Friday, January 25, 2008

cherlynn the (photoshopped) goddess!


have a lot of things to update you guys about but... some people (ahem, elves) complained during COM125 tt my blog entries are tooooo long so they (ahem, HE) don't bother to read...

and I've also noticed that many of my friends can't be bothered to read parts of my blog that don't mention them..

so here comes a really INTERESTING blog entry for y'all to enjoy! (and it's short too!)

Well today I was just reading GoFugYourself when i saw a video about Plastic Surgery without Plastic Surgery.. Basically skills on how to change ur look using makeup... Then I looked at more makeup videos on youtube and chanced upon a Photoshop Makeover video... Well the ones on Youtube are really fast so you can't really learn how to do it there but I've had quite some experience editing pics so I decided to try out one for myself! =)

Here's my V first attempt (ok not v first one, but first serious one) at changing my face wit Photoshop! =)

From the pic on the left to the pic on the right! =)

Wahahah I think I did a pretty good job alright! Ok here's a bigger look at the original (WARNING: VERY FUGLY) picture!

Ehhs... It's pretty damn gross. Let's identify the glaringly wrong things in this pic!

1) BAD BAD SKIN!!! Oily and rough! And eyebags!
2) Slightly yellow and very uneven teeth! And vampire teeth!
3) uneven eyes!

Ok that's just what's glaringly wrong! Hahas. Alright items 1 and 2 are pretty easy to fix... Just some painting over will do. Voila! Here's the finished product after even-ing out the skintone and getting rid of the eyebags, as well as some touching up of the teeth!

Alright... Sliiiiightly better... (PS click on pics to see original size!) At least it's not cringeworthy like just now! However, something is still GLARINGLY wrong! The grossly small and unequally sized eyes! So I went to make some changes (ventured into unfamiliar territory le!) and voila! Here it is:

HUGE BAMBI EYES LA! Omfg. This was very very poorly done =( sorry guys haha. My first attempt nia so you gotta be kinder on me k. I also accidentally did something very minor to the nose... Not obvious... Oh and also twitched the left side of the mouth (MY left, as in, the ME in the pic) a bit (by accident! and cldn't find the UNDO option)

This one was baddd all the more coz i had to edit the friggin irises and also the pupil of the right eye (again, MY right) You will notice that the eyes really look weird (right eye is 'leaking' at the bottom near tear ducts, left iris is really wonkily shaped)

However, I didn't really wanna bother much abt that.. For a first attempt, I wasn't gonna be all perfectionist on myself lol.

Another edit in this picture was the hair.. I basically smoothed it out and made it neater=)

So yea! I was done! I did some effects and came up with the below 2 pictures!

Moderate styling

Elaborate! For display pics and profile pics!=)

Hahas. Interesting NOT? I am so going to meddle with all my pics from now on to brush up my technique=) Want a tutorial? Simply tag!

Lots more to update about but dun wanna BORE you guys out. Ciao all see y'all soon!

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