Wednesday, January 03, 2007


argh. it's the morn of 3rdjan. at least, 1.27pm. this is what i typed ytd before slacking off heh.

hah. i've been slacking too much lately. slacking off from
a) blogging
b) writing my fic
c) going out

hahas.. i'm sorry to all the people i pang-sehed! sorry sorry sorry =( I'll make it up to y'all soon k! Right now I'm enjoying my stay-home-and-slack time! But starting tml, I'm gonna be uber uber busy.. Tml alone I'll have to see all 3 of my tuition kids

2.30pm-330pm - K
330pm-5pm - S
6pm - 730pm - T

Work work work!! I need that cash. Though daddy has been kind enough to mete out the allowance the past 3 weeks, so i've been surviving on that.. I needa exercise!!! My happy-eat-all-you-want-and-enjoy-the-festivities period is officially OVER!! No more late-night snacks, no more eating whatever i want! (well, not too much) and BRING ON THE EXERCISE!!! Hahas. I needa go and lose tt weight liao =) But at least i enjoyed myself. Haha. Oh but the freakin bloated stomach feelin ain't good. Ain't good at all! Hahas.

So bring on the swim-sessions, bball and badminton games, and I might even consider gym-ing(though i don't really think i will. static activities don't appeal to me much lol). I wanted to spend this week going to the pool (since sch will have officially re-opened and there won't be so many freakin annoying kids anymore) but i just HAD to have my period this week. BOO. And nx week I'll be going off to Phuket! Grr. (Speaking of which, did anyone else know that Phuket was in Thailand? How come I'm the only one who thinks Phuket is in Malaysia???? Crap. *grabs an atlas now*)

ah. back from a v long break (watched Material Girls and The Devil Wears Prada on dvd lol)

I've never been one to make New Year's Resolutions


i'll update on this later yea

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