Monday, October 09, 2006


finally realised what's wrong with the entry-formatting.. stupid placement of code -__-"" hahahaha i feel so dumb now can.. too used to my "columns" formatting PLUS nv touching Blogger renders me incompetent when it comes to blogskinning lol

Was so uber tempted to just use a Blogskin from! Found some nice ones somemore!! Haha. Damn much nicer than mine la.

Lol. The more I look at this layout, the more I hate it. Will be changing layout soon guys, don't worry.

Am almost halfway through the coding of the blog!! Just the navigation to fix now =)) That one shd be easy once i id my div layer.. I say SHOULD.. If it ends up that I have to Iframe the whole thing, I'm gonna spontaneously combust.

So anyways, lately, I've been obssessing over Fa Ru Xue. Yes, very slow, I know. But it's uber nice la! And I finally poofed Yuan You Hui =)) Super happy. Haha. Jay Chou won't you marry meeee?? Hahaha.

It must be the lateness of the hour, my head's spinning like mad.

Have lots more to blog about, but now's really not the time. See you guys soon =))

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