Sunday, September 09, 2007

good, better, BEST!

just some food for thought...

You know sometimes we keep wanting to be the BEST that y'know, we.. Ok i admit, i dunno what I'm talking about. Today took cab down to Hougang Mall to support tong n lta.. Then in the cab the uncle was like saying stuff etc.. Haha. Then he asked me what I was going down there for, so I said I was going to support my friend for a singing competition.. Then he was like, "Special Friend?" Then, not wanting him to get the wrong idea, i said, "Best friend la uncle." haha. Then he was like, "No no, cannot say BEST... Best means no more to go already... Just say special.." haha.

I think it was funny coz before tt we were also talking about something being the "best".. I think we were talking about the apparent "BEST" prata house or something.. Then we were like saying, if something is the BEST - it isn't good, coz there's nowhere for it to go but down.. This conversation led me to think hard about a lot of stuff.. And in relation to something I mentioned in my prev post - the thing abt my singing not having techniques. Haha. I suppose that's good in a way, because techniques can be learnt and I can thus keep improving... Meaning what I am now isn't my best, i've got room to grow. Kinda feel sad for the ppl who are already v good, like at their personal best, but still not y'know.. Good.. Haha. Dunno how to say.

Though I was feeling very irritated awhile back about the whole "techniques" thing. What TECHNIQUES???? My effing goodness if when you're singing all u can do is technique here technique there, I think it just defeats the purpose. I think singing is a channel of expression, a form of release... I think that so long as you don't crack your voice, go very off-pitch/rhythm etc... And your voice sounds good, that's about it. And the best is if your emotions come through. I suppose that's why I don't understand when people keep saying what, her technique is v good, his what what is v good. If they just say that without being specific, i'm sorry but to me, it's all just "air". I cannot understand that, so I can't "hear" whatever "technique" it is you're talking about. Haha.

Anyways, back to the uncle. So he was saying, cannot say anyone is your "Best friend" coz means they have nowhere to go. So I hereby proclaim that I have no best friend! Just a bunch of "special friends" hahaha. Yep.

Alright. Am tired. And was in a bad mood today so you will pardon me if i look/sound upset. BYE

PS: Congrats to tong n tai an for making it to finals!!!=) i knew you all wld get in lo. Ask the others. I was like preparing them to cheer when the results were announced.

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